April 2022

April spelled out in the grass.

Spring is here! With warmer temperatures, outdoor sports, and summer activities around the corner, now is the time to be a child safety advocate in your community. Read on to see what's happening in child injury prevention spaces this month.

Member Spotlight

The Member Spotlight is intended to introduce and promote the work of one of our members to the rest of the Prevent Child Injury membership.

Featured Member: Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy

As one of the largest injury research and educational programs in the world, the Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy has built an extensive team of scientists, teachers, and practitioners to close the gap between injury and solution strategies. Using the 40 years of research developed by Susan Baker, the mother of injury prevention, the center has identified lifesaving safety products, laws, and new advancements within medical care. As leaders in road safety, aviation safety, poisonings, fires and burns, drownings, and other unintentional injuries, the center prioritizes outreach programs for home safety, transportation safety, violence, and substance use and overdose. Follow them on Twitter and Facebook, and learn about all of their programs on their website. Thank you for your outstanding work and dedication to injury prevention, Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy!

Online Concussion Training: HEADS UP to Athletic Trainers

CDC Heads Up: Safe Brain, Stronger Future

This training course on concussion, developed through a partnership between CDC and the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA), is designed specifically for athletic trainers working at the high school level or below. Athletic trainers play an important role in concussion prevention and management, including how they work with other stakeholders such as coaches, parents, athletes, and school professionals. This course will empower you to better support athletes and other stakeholders and contribute to an overall culture of concussion safety. It provides a refresher and update for seasoned athletic trainers, and will help build practical on-the-ground skills for newer athletic trainers. Click here to learn more.

Coming Up

On Our Twitter Calendar
April 4 - April 10: National Window Safety Week; National Public Health Week
April 11 - April 17: Distracted Driving Awareness Month
April 18 - April 24: Lawn Mower Safety
April 25 - May 1: National Playground Safety Week


Event: National Youth Sports Safety Month
Hosted by: National Council of Youth Sports
Date/Time: April 1-30, 2022
April is Youth Sports Safety Month, and you can help us get the message of injury prevention out to young athletes, parents and coaches! STOP (Sports Trauma and Overuse Prevention) Sports Injuries needs your assistance to help us spread the word.

Event: Distracted Driving Awareness Month
Hosted by: EnDD.org
Date/Time: April 1-30, 2022
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, a united nationwide effort to raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving and eliminate preventable deaths and injuries on our roadways. Accordingly to the latest statistics released by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), over 37,000 people were killed on our highways in 2016, an increase of 5.6% from 2015. Here is what you can do for Distracted Driving Awareness Month (and the following months) to make yourself, your family, your employees and our roads safer.

Event: National Window Safety Week
Hosted by: NSC and the Window Safety Task Force
Date/Time: April 3-9, 2022
NSC and the Window Safety Task Force established Window Safety Week in 1997 to heighten awareness of the actions homeowners can take to establish window safety and fall prevention as a year-round safety priority. Window Safety Week, the first full week in April, coincides with the arrival of spring, when people naturally want to open the windows and let in fresh air. The goal of this observance is twofold: for families to understand the role of windows in escaping a fire or other emergency and to learn how to safeguard against window falls.

Event: National Public Health Week
Hosted by: National Public Health Association
Date/Time: April 4-10, 2022
Where we live impacts our communities’ health. And we can make our communities healthier, stronger and safer! The 2022 National Public Health Week theme is “Public Health is Where You Are.”

Event: World Health Day
Hosted by: National Institute on Drug Abuse
Date/Time: April 7, 2022
In the midst of a pandemic, a polluted planet, increasing diseases like cancer, asthma, heart disease, on World Health Day 2022, WHO will focus global attention on urgent actions needed to keep humans and the planet healthy and foster a movement to create societies focused on well-being.